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Rose Tree-Blue Mountain Hunt is a newly merged hunt.  The merger was approved by the MFHA in May 2015.  This merger comes after the decision by  Rose Tree's Master Mike Shupp and Huntsman Justin Shupp to take a break from fox hunting after leading RTH for nine years. Upon  making this decision, The Shupp's asked Sean Cully, Master and Huntsman of Blue Mountain Hunt to take over. Sean, his wife Maryann and their children were honored by the opportunity to take over a hunt with such a long prestigious history. Sean's first task as the new Master of  Rose Tree-Blue Mountain Hunt was to appoint Dr. Edward Franco as Joint Master. Joint Master Franco was a long standing member, supporter  and whipper-in with RTH as well as a member and whipper-in for BMH.




Blue Mountain Hunt was a farmer pack started in 1999 by Sean Cully. For 10 years Sean hunted his July and Walker hounds on foot. In 2009, he began hunting his pack on horseback. In 2011, BMH became a registered hunt with the MFHA. BMH was then recognized  in 2014. As Master and Huntsman of his own pack of hounds for 15 years, Sean has developed a fast, hard driving  hound that is also easy to control.



ROSE TREE HUNT - Est. 1859

Rose Tree Hunt is the oldest subscription hunt in America on record. Rose Tree began in 1859 and hunted in the vicinity of Media, Delaware County until 1960. In 1960 the hunt relocated to York County with Joint Masters John Richard and William Elliott. RTH has remained in York County since.  

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